Lisa Alletson Book Launch — The Headlight Review Part 1 (Co-host 2022)

In Conversation with Chioma Urama, author of A Body of WaterThe Headlight Review Volume 1, Issue 1(Interviewer, 2022)

Georgia Writer's Retreat-- "Working with an Editor" (Guest Lecturer 2022)

South Atlanta Modern Language Association - "Shout Me Home: Poems on Family, Identity, and Change" (Performer, 2022)

Conference on College Composition and Communication —“We Are Here to Accommodate: Creating Accessible Environments Across In-Person and Virtual Learning Spaces” (Lecturer 2022)

Georgia Writer's Association Red Clay Conference — Literary Magazine Editors Panel (Host, 2021)

Kennesaw State University Intersectionality Conference-- "Student Writing for Accessibility" (Lecturer, 2021)

Kennesaw State University Symposium of Student Scholars — “Accessible Writing Practices for Collegiate Learning Spaces (Presenter, 2022)

Kennesaw State University College Visit: "Anti-Racist & Anti-Oppression Pedagogy" (Guest Lecturer, 2021)

Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project Conference- "An Act of Rebellion: Prose Poetry" (Lecturer, 2018)

Georgia Council of Teachers of English Conference-- "Using Poetry to Teach Grammar: How the Patterns of Poetry Can Aid Grammatical Analysis " (Lecturer, 2018)